You Are Divine

It is my belief that God is love. All-encompassing, unconditional. It is also my belief that the light of God is in everyone. Created in the image and likeness of love, it is what we are at our deepest root. This is our divine inheritance. Just as an acorn holds the entire blueprint for an oak tree, we are installed with pure love. No one has to teach us the feeling we have for a friend, or a newborn, or a puppy. It is what we are - shining through and mirrored back to us.

Our only problem is the stuff that blocks the light - our judgments, fears, unhealed pain, roles, beliefs about ourselves and others. When we look past these, our radiant wholeness is already there.




How do we release those things that stand in our way? In Twelve Step recovery, it is called H.O.W.: Honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness.

Honesty involves getting honest with ourselves that our old way isn’t working, and becoming honest with others about what is true for us. It is a way of living with integrity: being open about how we’re really doing, not hiding, not playing small nor playing the big-shot. We create a safe place to be, to be real, to be real with one another.

Open-mindedness is being teachable, asking for help, looking at where we can grow and where we can let go. One definition of humility is “to be teachable.” It is humbling to acknowledge that we cannot possibly know all the facts about a situation.

With willingness, we can take whatever actions we need to take. Willingness is also a commitment to stop feeding the wolf of self-destruction and to change our thoughts and actions. Being willing to take a step in a new direction…to be courageous…to trust…to give and receive.

We are not equipped to be self-sufficient and isolated. We were never meant to live that way or survive on our own. We are wired for connection. When we place too much reliance upon ourselves to figure everything out (or at least appear so) or to force an outcome, we are playing General Manager of the Universe — it’s a lonely and scary job with few benefits. I had to fire myself for poor performance.

One way to start living in the flow of life is to reach for a power greater and ask,

“What would love do?”

Then follow that guidance, act as if, use the light available to see by, and do the next right thing. Let the grace within be the guide.

Have a peaceful day,



Saturday Morning Pages


Go For The Joy!